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Captivating Gen Z: Bubble’s College Tailgate Tour

September 13, 2024

In a strategic move to captivate the attention of an increasingly influential demographic, Bubble, an emerging brand, has initiated an innovative campaign called the College Tailgate Tour. This program is especially targeted at Generation Z, otherwise known as Gen Z. As marketers, we all constantly strive to understand and respond effectively to the shifting variables of consumer behaviour and trends. Thus, Bubble’s latest endeavour is undoubtedly an inspiring opportunity for us to dissect and comprehend.

What is Generation Z? This term refers to individuals born between 1997 and 2012. In a nutshell, they are digitally native, socially conscious, and have become an integral part of the current consumer market. Their purchasing power is growing every year, making them a demographic that brands like Bubble cannot afford to ignore.

On understanding Bubble’s move, we can see it focuses on experiential marketing. College Tailgate Tour is designed to create memorable experiences for Gen Z consumers. The tour involves traveling to various colleges, organising fun activities, games, competitions, entertainment and of course, offering a chance to try and purchase Bubble’s products.

The tour targets the heart of the Gen Z habitat – the college campus. Captivating them in their native environment helps build a bond between the brand and this pivotal demographic, fostering loyalty and establishing a positive brand image. It taps into Gen Z’s penchant for experiential events and real-life interactions, despite growing up in a digital world.

Corporate social responsibility is an important factor for Gen Z, which has likely played a part in this campaign. The Tour is presented with a low environmental impact, giving it a high appeal to this environmentally-conscious generation.

Though it might seem like a well-calculated and promising strategy, the success of this initiative seizes the lessons we, as marketers, can take away from this strategy and apply to our own brands and campaigns.

Firstly, understand your demographics. Know who they are, what they like, what they value, and where they spend their time. Bubble knew that Gen Z cherished experiences, spent a large portion of their time on college campuses, and valued social responsibility.

Secondly, don’t just sell your brand, sell an experience. In today’s over-saturated product market, consumers, are not merely interested in tangible goods, they want experiences to remember, share, and associate to the brand.

Lastly, always consider the social implications of your brand and your campaign. Consumers are increasingly attentive to a brand’s social responsibility. Generation Z consumers prefer brands that are inclusive, environmentally friendly, and give back to the community.

Bubble’s attempt at winning Gen Z loyalty through their College Tailgate Tour demonstrates the importance in understanding targeted demographic groups. It serves as a case study for anyone interested in innovative marketing methods to attract and hold onto Gen Z consumers. The final measure of the campaign’s success will undeniably be in the sales numbers, but the positive online chatter and public perception of the brand are already valuable takeaways.

As the consumer market continues to evolve with every new generation, businesses must not only keep pace but also, more importantly, foresee its changing landscape. As marketers, we must continue to innovate and strategise, keeping our fingers on the pulse of consumer culture.